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The Alchemist of Souls (Night's Masque, #1)
Anne Lyle
How to Train Your Dragon
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Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Mary Roach

Insurgent (Divergent Series #2)

Insurgent (Divergent Series #2) - The two big issues I had with Divergent where Tris' apathy over Al's suicide and some confusion over the worldbuilding, and Insurgent really digs into both of these. Tris' realizes she messed up by not forgiving Al when he begged for it, she regrets her actions, and we get to explore some of the deeper, more problematic elements of a world where everyone's divided by their strengths.Insurgent really is fantastic: the combat is well-researched, the injuries play out realistically, the politics and strategies are interesting without getting boring, and the main pair Tris and Four have this powerful argument-fueled relationship where they both have to try and balance out each other's differences. This is the first book in the series where I've really, truly liked Tris as a character, and supported her actions, and it was great fun watching the story unfold.Insurgent was a great example of how to improve on a first novel without slowing down the action. Now I'm really looking forward to the third book in the series.